Auction Integration - HiBid, AuctionWorx and more |

Listings generated by manyfastscan include condition, damages, missing parts, and a Star Rating if you choose to use it. Additionally stock images, written descriptions and pricing is automatically generated based on your scan or photo taken with our AI Photo Recognition feature. is an incredible auction platform with thousands of sellers and millions of auction items. They have an item intake process that is available to auction sellers, but the functionality is limited and photo quality can be sub-standard.
To see how to configure your Auction for export to AuctionFlex click below
manyfastscan is used by HiBid sellers to create product listings in seconds. Just scan the item UPC and manyfastscan will retrieve all the product information, specifications, and retail price. The completeness of the generated listing inspires confidence amongst buyers, gives the buyer a value of the item, and high quality photos. If an item does not have a UPC, the manyfastscanNOUPC funcitonality allows users to upload items into the database and simply rescan the NOUPC code for multiples of the same item. No more duplicate data entry.
Here's an example of a standard HiBid listing and a listing generated by manyfastscan
Standard Listing

The user who added this product had to manually type in the item name. No description or retail price was provided.

manyfastscan Listing

By just scanning a UPC, manyfastscan was able to generate all this product information including Brand, Model, Category and a reliable retail price.
The upload process to HiBid through Auction flex is easy. See our documentation for more details.